Security Risk Management Training
We can help
We design and deliver training for many domains within security risk management. These programs range widely in terms of objectives, content, training methodology, time and duration, number of participants, and format (electronic vs. physical).

Emergency Preparedness Training
- Development and delivery of a customized training course and accompanying organizational handouts focused on the four phases of emergency management: mitigation and prevention, preparedness, response and recovery
- Identify and resolve ambiguity related to the roles of participants. Establish a common understanding of an emergency
- Curriculum includes multiple scenarios and small groups discussion on response

Crisis Management + COOP Training
- Customized development of various tabletop training exercises including discussions of actual events
- Designed in alignment with the mission, vision and values of the organization; its functions or processes; and the culture, capabilities, resources of participating stakeholders
- Can include various exercises in line with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Security Awareness Training
- Training classes, exercises and seminars for employees, executives or board members
- Topics range from best practices in corporate security and security risk management to more targeted areas such as workplace violence prevention, threat assessment, active shooter prevention and response, travel security, crisis management and general security and safety training

Active Assailant Awareness + Response Training
- Personal survival strategies and life-saving decisions that connect to established best practice protocols
- Topics range from prevention, understanding the assailant; situational awareness to the Run, Hide, Fight response model
- Videos and periodic reviews reinforce the key concepts to engage participants with different learning styles. Expert-led or via LMS